Your first visit

We understand that stepping into an orthodontic clinic for the first time can be an anxious experience, but it doesn’t have to be. Here’s what happens during your first appointment at Bayside Orthodontists. Your initial visit is virtual, and there is a $80 fee associated with this online consultation.


What happens at your initial consultation

As a new patient embarking on your orthodontic journey with our team, we provide you:

  • Guidance on How to Take Photos at Home: Photos are crucial for our orthodontists to assess your dental condition effectively and provides the first insights on how we can transform your smile. Instructions on how to take these simple photos at home will be provided.
  • Referral for X-rays: Obtain OPG and Lat Ceph X-rays through your general dentist or receive a referral from the Bayside Orthodontists team, with most places offering bulk billing. We can accept X-rays taken within the last 12 months.
  • Access via Self Referral: You don't need a referral from a general dentist. You can book a virtual appointment directly with our orthodontists without a referral.
  • Fee Transparency: The fee for your virtual appointment with our orthodontists is $80 for a 20-minute consultation. Receive a comprehensive orthodontic assessment, treatment options, and associated costs. Cost quoted are inclusive with no hidden add-on costs.

Your first visit